
Foundation HHCP

(Heetens Hulpgoods Center Philippines)

The Heetens Hulpgoods Center Philippines is a voluntary organization
The Heetens Hulpgoods Center Philippines is a voluntary organization which is engaged in collecting, receiving, packaging, and preparing goods for the less fortunate fellow people in the Philippines. The goods are regularly sent to the Philippines in large shipping containers.
> about HHCP

Why do we help the Philippines?

HHCP has been sending relief supplies to the people of the Philippines since 1990 to support education, medical care, and recovery from natural disasters. It may look like a drop in the ocean, but a lot of progress has been made over the years.
> about the Philippines

How you can help

Do you have goods and/or clothing that you no longer use, but still could be used? Contact us now! In addition, providing assistance and shipping goods costs money, so a donation is always welcome.
> contact


In this way HHCP wants to thank everyone who has helped us, or is still going to help us. Also on behalf of the people of the Philippines.

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